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Part Time Writer
Want to change lives, and make a dent in the Universe? Keep looking. This job isn’t for you. Want to make people laugh, smile, giggle or gasp? Perfect.
We’re not funny, but we have a good sense of humor.
StudySoup is a marketplace for college students to buy and sell notes, study guides, and tutoring.StudySoup is a peer-to-peer learning marketplace for college students. Top students can make money selling notes, study guides, and tutoring services to their peers.
What You’ll Do
We’re looking for someone to write our weekly newsletter that will educate our students, and make them smile.
Here’s what we like to see: Insightful, comprehensive content, written in language that students can identify with and packaged in a nice tight humoristic product. We want emotion. Awe, Love, Hate, Humor….but nothing in between.
As a freelance writer for StudySoup, you will be expected to write content pertaining to the college space. Put simply, anything you think college students will find informative and fun.
StudySoup reaches over a million college students daily. That’s more than the whole country of Fiji, and they just won a Gold medal.
You must also be deadline-oriented, dependable and willing to take feedback to rework the content.
- Work in an extremely flexible environment in a growing company that loves providing high-quality educational and financial resources to college students.
- Huge opportunities for long-term growth in the company.
- Remote- Work from Anywhere.
Hourly Pay $15/hour (10-15 hours per week)
How To Apply
To apply, send a paragraph and your resume to [email protected] outlining why you are awesome & the best for this role. We find that interesting people make for better feel free to show off a bit!
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